
Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to the 8th UAE International Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (ICAMR), which will be held on February 21 and 22, 2025 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

ICAMR 2025 promises to be an enriching scientific and educational gathering, showcasing the latest advances in research and practice through presentations and interactive discussions. With in-depth, high-quality scientific content, the conference will focus on the field of Antimicrobial Resistance. This event is proudly organized by the National Antimicrobial Resistance Committee in the UAE.

We believe that ICAMR 2025 will provide an exceptional opportunity for attendees to share and gain knowledge and experience across a wide spectrum of topics related to microbiology, infectious diseases, infection control, and antimicrobial stewardship. Additionally, it will offer a unique platform to meet and engage with experts and innovative educators in the field.

We look forward to welcoming you to the 8th ICAMR 2025.


Dr. Najiba M Abdulrazzaq
Consultant Internist
Head of Medical Dept.
Al Kuwait Hospital Dubai.
Head of Central IPC, EHS
National AMR Committee Co-Chair
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Global Health Leader

Supported by

In Collaboration with

Endorsed By

Scientific & Organizing Committee

Dr. Najiba M Abdulrazzaq

Dr. Najiba M Abdulrazzaq
Consultant Internist
Head of Medical Dept.
Al Kuwait Hospital Dubai.
Head of Central IPC, EHS
National AMR Committee Co-Chair
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Ahmed Al Hammadi

Dr. Ahmed Al Hammadi
Consultant, Infectious Disease
President, Emirates Infectious Disease Society
Infectious Disease
Al Rahba Hospital
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Col (Prof) Manaf M Alqahtani

Col (Prof) Manaf M Alqahtani
Professor of Medicine, RCSI-MUB
Chief of Medical Staff (Clinical & Diagnostic) & Allied Staff- RMS Bahrain Oncology Center
Consultant Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiologist –RMS Bahrain Oncology Center
Founding Head of the Microbiology Department, RCSI-MUB
Al Sayh, Bahrain

Dr. Majid Al Shamrani

Dr. Majid Al Shamrani
Executive Director
Infection Prevention and Control Program
King Abdulaziz Medical City
Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs
Riyadh, KSA


Dr. Jameela Alsalman

Dr. Jameela Alsalman
Chaiperson, Medical Departments & Director of Quality
Patient Safety and Infection Control
King Hamad American Mission Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Arabian Gulf University
Chairperson of Strategic Advisory Committee, WHO
Manama, Bahrain

Prof. Ashraf El Houfi

Prof. Ashraf El Houfi
Consultant / Head ICU Dubai Hospital. Examiner for the Royal College of
Physician “UK”, Professor of Medicine Dubai Medical College, Chairman of
the infection Control Committee Dubai Hospital
Dubai, UAE

Ms. Abeer Rajeh Khalil

Ms. Abeer Rajeh Khalil
Infection control Expert
Quality and accreditation Department
Emirates Health Services
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Faryal Khamis

Faryal Khamis
Senior Consultant Adult ID &
Deputy Director of Medicine
Internal Medicine
Royal Hospital
Muscat, Oman

Ms. Husna Nazar

Ms. Husna Nazar
Executive Assistant
Central Infection control
Emirates Health Services
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Ali Omrani

Dr. Ali Omrani
Senior Consultant in Infectious Diseases
Hamad Medical Corporation
Clinical Professor of Infectious Diseases
College of Medicine, Qatar University
Doha, Qatar

Mr. Joseph Tannous

Mr. Joseph Tannous
Infection Control Specialist
Central Infection Control
Emirates Health Services
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Najiba M Abdulrazzaq

Dr. Najiba M Abdulrazzaq
Consultant Internist
Head of Medical Dept.
Al Kuwait Hospital Dubai.
Head of Central IPC, EHS
National AMR Committee Co-Chair
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Layla Al-Dabal

Dr. Layla Al-Dabal
Medical-Infectious Diseases
Rashid Hospital
Dubai, UAE




Dr. Nehad Alshirawi

Dr. Nehad Alshirawi
Intensive Care Consultant and
Head of ICU Department
Intensive Care
Al Fujairah Hospital
Fujairah, UAE



Prof. Ashraf El Houfi

Prof. Ashraf El Houfi
Consultant / Head ICU Dubai Hospital. Examiner for the Royal College of
Physician “UK”, Professor of Medicine Dubai Medical College, Chairman of
the infection Control Committee Dubai Hospital
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Duaa Salem Jawhar

Dr. Duaa Salem Jawhar
Infectious Disease Clinical Pharmacist, Co-leader
Antimicrobial Stewardship Program
Pharmacy Department
Saqr Hospital
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

Prof. Souha S. Kanj

Prof. Souha S. Kanj
Professor of Medicine
Associate Dean for Global Affairs
Head, Division of Infectious Diseases,
Consultant Professor, Duke University Medical Center,

Dr. Ahmad Lutfi Subhi

Dr. Ahmad Lutfi Subhi
Adult Infectious Disease Consultant
Al-Qassimi hospital, EHS
Sharjah, UAE

Mr. Joseph Tannous

Mr. Joseph Tannous
Infection Control Consultant
Central Infection Control
Emirates Health Services
Dubai, UAE

Mr. Elias Tannous

Mr. Elias Tannous
Manager, Infection Control
Co-chair Infection Control Committee
Quality and Patient Safety Institute
Cleveland Clinic
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Sohanlal Thiruvoth

Dr. Sohanlal Thiruvoth
DipRCPath, Fellowship in Infectious Diseases, CIC
Head Infection Control Unit
Kuwait Hospital , Sharjah
Sharjah, UAE

Dr. Ahmed Al Hammadi

Dr. Ahmed Al Hammadi
Consultant, Infectious Disease
President, Emirates Infectious Disease Society
Infectious Disease
Al Rahba Hospital
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Huda Al Hosnani

Mrs. Huda Al Hosani
Head of Infection Prevention & Control Unit
Khorfakkan Hospital
Khorfakkan, UAE

Ms. Fatima Saeed AL Memari

Ms. Fatima Saeed AL Memari
Infection Control Officer
Prevention and Control of Infection Department
Ibrahim Bin Hamad Obaidallah Hospital & Obaidallah Geriatric Hospital
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

Dr. Majid Al Shamrani

Dr. Majid Al Shamrani
Executive Director
Infection Prevention and Control Program
King Abdulaziz Medical City
Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs
Riyadh, KSA


Dr. Adnan AlAtoom

Dr. Adnan AlAtoom
Clinical Pathology and Microbiology
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC)
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Layla Al-Dabal

Dr. Layla Al-Dabal
Medical-Infectious Diseases
Rashid Hospital
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Beneditta Allegranzi

Dr. Beneditta Allegranzi
MD & DTM&H, Adjoint Professor
Unit Head, Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Unit
Technical Lead, IPC Taskforce and the Global IPC Network
Integrated Health Services
UHC/Life Course, World Health Organization HQ
Geneva, Switzerland

Dr. Jameela Alsalman

Dr. Jameela Alsalman
Chairperson, Medical Departments & Director of Quality
Patient Safety & Infection Control
King Hamad American Mission Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Arabian Gulf University
Chairperson, Strategic Advisory Committee, WHO
Manama, Bahrain

Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al Shirawi

Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al Shirawi
Intensive Care Consultant and Head of ICU Department
Intensive Care
Al Fujairah Hospital/EHS
Fujairah, UAE




Dr. Hala Amer

Dr. Hala Amer
Regional Advisor , AMR/IPC
Dept. of Communicable Diseases
Cairo, Egypt





Mrs. Caroline Bilen

Mrs. Caroline Bilen
CEO- Healthcare Advisor and Educator
Chairperson of ENA Operating Rooms Nursing Society and
UAE AORN Chapter
Healthcare Management
The Compass Health Consultancy
Dubai, UAE


Dr. Pramod Chhabrani

Dr. Pramod Chhabrani
Specialist, Clinical Microbiologist
Al Kuwait Hospital, Emirates Health Services
Dubai, UAE

Mr. Ayman Chkhis

Mr. Ayman Chkhis
Clinical Pharmacist, Pharmacy
Al Kuwait Hospital
Dubai, UAE


Dr. Christian Eckmann

Dr. Christian Eckmann
Executive Committee ESGCIP of ESCMID – Scientific Officer
Head of the Department of General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery
ABS Team Lead, Klinikum
Academic Hospital of Goettingen University
Hannoversch-Muenden, Germany

Prof. Ashraf El Houfi

Prof. Ashraf El Houfi
Consultant / Head ICU Dubai Hospital. Examiner for the Royal College of
Physician “UK”, Professor of Medicine Dubai Medical College, Chairman of
the infection Control Committee Dubai Hospital
Dubai, UAE


Prof. Dean Everett

Prof. Dean Everett
Professor of Infectious Diseases
Public Health and Epidemiology
Khalifa University
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Mark Garvey

Mark Garvey

Mrs. Dalia Hassan

Mrs. Dalia Hassan
Infection control Practitioner
Infection Control
Abdullah Bin Omran Hospital
Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE

Dr. Iman Heweidy

Dr. Iman Heweidy

Dr. Duaa Salem Jawhar

Dr. Duaa Salem Jawhar
Infectious Disease Clinical Pharmacist,
Co-leader Antimicrobial Stewardship Program
Pharmacy Department
Saqr Hospital
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE


Ms. Abeer Rajeh Khalil

Ms. Abeer Rajeh Khalil
Infection control Expert
Quality and accreditation Department
Emirates Health Services
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Faryal Khamis

Dr. Faryal Khamis
Senior Consultant Adult ID and Deputy Director of Medicine
Internal Medicine
Royal Hospital
Muscat, Oman

Dr. Godfred A. Menezes

Dr. Godfred A. Menezes
Professor & Chairperson
Medical Microbiology &
Immunology Medical Microbiology & Immunology
RAK College of Medical Sciences (RAKCOMS)
RAK Medical & Health Sciences University (RAKMHSU)
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

Dr. Anju Nabi

Dr. Anju Nabi
Head & Consultant of Microbiology & Immunology
Head Of Microbiology & Immunology Dubai Hospital & Clinical Associate Professor MBRU
Dept of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology , Dubai Health
Dubai Hospital
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Ali Omrani

Dr. Ali Omrani
Senior Consultant in Infectious Diseases
Hamad Medical Corporation
Clinical Professor of Infectious Diseases
College of Medicine, Qatar University
Doha, Qatar


Mr. Jithin Pillai

Mr. Jithin Pillai
Lead Infection Prevention and Control
Patient Safety and Quality Department
Dubai Health
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Manaf Al Qahtani

Col (Prof) Manaf M Alqahtani
Professor of Medicine, RCSI-MUB
Chief of Medical Staff (Clinical & Diagnostic) & Allied Staff- RMS Bahrain Oncology Center
Consultant Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiologist –RMS Bahrain Oncology Center
Founding Head of the Microbiology Department, RCSI-MUB
Al Sayh, Bahrain

Dr. Giovanni Satta

Dr. Giovanni Satta
Technical Officer in Infection Prevention and Control
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland




Dr. Andrew Seaton

Dr. Andrew Seaton
Consultant Physician
Infectious Diseases and General Medicine
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Glasgow, UK





Prof. Abiola Catherine Senok

Prof. Abiola Catherine Senok
Professor of Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
Chair, Basic Medical Sciences Department
College of Medicine
Mohammed Bin Rashid University Of Medicine and Health Sciences
Dubai, UAE


Dr. Rajeev Soman

Dr. Rajeev Soman
Consultant, Infectious Diseases Physician
Infectious Diseases
Jupiter Hospital
Pune, India

Dr. Ahmad Subhi

Dr. Ahmad Subhi
Infectious Disease Consultant
Al-Qassimi hospital, EHS
Sharjah, UAE

Mr. Elias Tannous

Mr. Elias Tannous
Manager, Infection Prevention and Control
Quality and Patient Safety Institute
Cleveland Clinic
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Mr. Joseph Tannous

Mr. Joseph Tannous
Infection Control Specialist
Central Infection Control
Emirates Health Services
Dubai, UAE


Mr. Ajish Thankachan

Mr. Ajish Thankachan
Infection Control Professional
Senior Infection Control Preventionist
Infection Prevention and Control
Emirates Health Services
Dubai, UAE


Dr. Sohanlal Thiruvoth

Dr. Sohanlal Thiruvoth
Head Infection Control
Infection Control & Internal Medicine
Al Kuwait Hospital
Sharjah, UAE

Dr. David J. Weber

Dr. David J. Weber
Charles Addison and Elizabeth Ann Sanders Distinguished
Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, UNC School of Medicine Professor of Epidemiology,
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and Medical Director, Department of Infection Prevention, UNC Medical Center
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and UNC Medical Center
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

Dr. Moeena Zain

Dr. Moeena Zain
Consultant Infectious Diseases
American Hospital
Dubai, UAE


Smitha Chandran

Smitha Chandran

Mrs. Dalia Mohamed Hassan

Mrs. Dalia Mohamed Hassan
Infection control Practitioner
Infection Control
Abdullah Bin Omran Hospital
Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE


Carole Moubareck

Carole Moubareck



Zizi Wanis

Zizi Wanis



Scientific Program

Conference Main Topics

  • ⁠Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs
  • AMR: updates, novel technology and artificial intelligence
  • ⁠Challenges and research priorities to combat AMR
  • ⁠Prevention of healthcare-associated infections
  • ⁠Surveillance of multidrug resistance organisms
  • ⁠Implementation science for infection control
  • ⁠Environmental disinfection in healthcare settings
  • ⁠New antimicrobial therapies

Target Specialties:

  • Infection disease physicians
  • Internal medicine physicians
  • Microbiologists
  • Pharmacists
  • Infection control practitioners
  • Critical care physicians
  • Lab technicians
  • Quality officers
  • Public health officers
  • Internal medicine specialists
  • Family and primary care physicians
  • Medical informatics
  • Nurses, nurse practitioners
  • Researchers
  • Biomedical engineers
  • Hospital and corporate administrators and executives

Learning Objectives

  • Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs: interventions and outcomes
  • UAE AMR surveillance updates
  • GCC: experience and strategies to combat AMR
  • Strengthening country readiness for pandemics
  • AMR in mass gathering and implications for public health
  • Strategies, technology and artificial intelligence to combat AMR
  • Challenges and research priorities to combat AMR
  • Implementation of science in the fight against HAI
  • Innovative approach to prevent MDRO
  • Prevention and management of healthcare-associated infections
  • Business case for Infection, Prevention and Control Programs
  • Environmental hygiene for patient safety
  • Improving healing environment in building projects
  • Certification: preparation and tips for infection preventionists


Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

To submit an abstract, please read all of the instructions below.

You are invited to submit an abstract for the 8th UAE International Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (ICAMR) on 21 & 22 February 2025.

Abstract Submission deadline until: Sunday, 12 January 2025 – 11:59 PM
Notification on Acceptance/Rejection: Between 15 to 20 January 2025 – 11:59 PM
Please note that only electronic submissions are accepted.

Language & Content
All abstracts must be submitted in English using the online submission form on website with a limit of 2,245 characters (approx. 300 words).

General Conditions

    1. Abstracts must be submitted maximum by  Sunday, 12 January 2025 – 11:59 PM.
    2. Abstracts are accepted as Poster presentations only.
    3. All accepted abstracts will be presented as posters on 22 February 2025.
    4. Withdrawal of abstracts can only be accepted if notified in writing. It is possible to withdraw an abstract 14 days after notification on acceptance.
    5. If selected, it is the responsibility of the presenter to bear his travel and accommodation expenses.

Presenting Author and Registration

  1. Please verify that your email address (submitter and presenting author) is correct as it will be used for contacting you after the review process.
  2. Disclosure: Abstract submitter and presenter are required to disclose any conflict of interest.
  3. Ensure that all co-authors approve the abstract submission, publication, and potential presentation.
  4. All presenters should be registered to the conference before 10 February 2025.
  5. Abstract submitters must consent to the Policies of Abstract Submission.
  6. National Committee of AMR reserves the right to exclude any abstract from the scientific program that is not followed by a participant registration at the latest 14 days after notification on acceptance.

Contents of your Abstract

  1. Original works and Case Reports about Microbiology, Infectious Disease, Infection Control, and Antimicrobial Resistance will be accepted.
  2. The abstract text body is limited to 2,245 characters (Approx. 300 words) including spaces. (Please do not include the title and the author’s information in the text body [names and affiliations], this information will be required in the web form)
  3. The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study. Write the abstract title in CAPITAL LETTERS. No full stop at the end.
  4. There are no limitations on the number of abstracts that an individual can submit. However, one individual can only present a maximum of 2 abstract (independent of the format) during the entire conference. If you have more than 2 abstracts accepted, you will be obliged to identify alternate presenters for any abstract above the first two.
  5. The abstract must include the following:
    Aim: Clearly state the purpose of the abstract.
    Methods: Describe your selection of observations or experimental subjects clearly.
    Results: Present, your results in a logical sequence in text, table and illustrations.
    Conclusions: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study (perhaps as a discussion section) and the conclusions that are drawn from them.
  6. All abbreviations must be defined in first use.
  7. No identifying features such as names of authors, hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the title or abstract text, as a “blind” review process will be used. You will be asked to enter the name(s) of the author(s) and their institution(s), when you submit your abstract online
  8. Statements such as “results will be discussed” or “data will be presented” cannot be accepted.
  9. Use of brand names for all references to products or companies, generic names must be used. The brand name can be inserted as a reference at the bottom of the abstract page. Papers containing brand names/company names in the abstract text (i.e. not in a reference at the bottom of the page) may be rejected for this reason only. Conference scientific committee reserves the right to replace any brand name with a generic name without further notice.
  10. Images that are uploaded to follow the abstract are not guaranteed inclusion in the conference materials.

Conference Venue

ICAMR 2024 Videos On-Demand

7th ICAMR – Day 1 – Hall A – 23 Feb 2024

7th ICAMR – Day 1 – Hall B – 23 Feb 2024

7th ICAMR – Day 2 – 24 Feb 2024

2024 Photo Gallery

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